The 67th Tokyo International
Guitar Competition 2024
Compulsory Pieces for the 67th Tokyo International Guitar Competition 2024
■ 1st Preliminary(19 August,)
op.29-13 Segovia Edition No.19 / F.Sor
Prelude No.2/ F.Tárrega

Free Choice Program: Not required.
■2nd Preliminary(Semifinal)
Fandangillo/ J.Turina

Free choice program:
Competitors are free to select pieces not longer than 8 minutes. The pieces chosen for the 1st preliminary and for the finals may not be selected.
Division 18 for acoustic guitar/ Toshiro Saruya (Edition Gendai Guitar)

Free choice program:
At least one piece from the following each three different styles must be contained in your program.
The playing time of the free choice program is minimum 20 minutes, maximum 30 minutes.
The pieces chosen for the 1st and 2nd preliminaries may not be selected.
1) Works from the Renaissance to the Baroque.
2) The works in the period from ca.1750 to ca. 1920.
3) The works after ca.1920.
The above stated period means the time of the composition of the works. It is not meant the time of the birth of the composers.
As for the works across the above stated periods, please be advised to consider musical styles to select.
Free choice program must be pieces for solo. The titles of your free choice program must be written on your application form.
No changes or additions to your free choice program will be accepted after the registration.
If you will not play the registered free choice program, or if you will not observe the time limit, you will be disqualified.
In the event that questions will arise, Japanese rules take precedence.
Essential Points of Enforcement
1st preliminary performance(closed) / Mon.19, August 2024
Persons who wish to participate the competition are requested to send the recorded 1st preliminary performance till the end of July 2024.
Meeting / Fri.6, December 2024. TOKYO, from 15:00
2nd preliminary performance / Sat.7, December 2024, 11:00
Place:HAKUJU recital hall.
Final performance / Sun.8, December 2024, 13:00
Place:HAKUJU recital hall.
*Hakuju hall
1st & 2nd Preliminary Performance / Members of Japan Federation of Guitarists.
Final Performance / Members of Japan Federation of Guitarists & General musicians ,
* Jurys are expected.
1st Prize:
The Minister of Education and Science Prize : Certificate of Merit, Embassy of Spain Prize : Cup, Chuo Hoki Shuppan Prize : 500.000 yen (Sponsored by Chuo Hoki Shuppan K.K.), JGA Prize : 300.000 yen, Prixcreation "SAVAREZ ALLIANCE" : 100.000 yen. Federation’s prize:100.000yen, Total : 1.000.000yen, A Guitar by Sakurai Kohno Guitar Manufacturing
2nd Prize:
The Governor of Tokyo Prize : Certificate of Merit, Japan Federation of Guitarists Prize : Cup & Premio : 300.000 yen,
3rd prize:
Certificate of Merit, Japan federation of Guitarists : Cup & Prize : 100.000 yen,
Supplementary Prizes :
Recital tour in Japan organized by J.F.G. and YAMAMA Co. offered to 1st prize winner. Prix 24sets "SAVAREZE ALLIANCE" strings for 1st to 4th winners. Gendai-Guitar Prize, Casa de la guitarra Inc Prize, Cronix Inc Prize, Angel Music Prize, and others.
The federation prize "prize money" is awarded by a donation from regular member Toshio Terauchi (500,000 yen).
Participation certificates will be issued to semi-final participants at the briefing session. A ranking certificate will be issued to the final participants.
Each award will not be awarded if there is no applicable person.
*Prizes mentioned above are expected.
“15.000 Yen +¥4.000yen(any charge for bank transfer in Japan). Total:19.000yen”
Please be aware that you are responsible for any wire transfer and exchange fees.
The application fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
a) Receiving Bank: Mitsubishi UFJ Bank No.4832212 “SWIFT CODE : BOTKJPJT”
Account Name: Japan federation of Guitarists
31, July 2024
The applications must be postmarked not later than 31 July.
Payment must be completed.
Japan Federation of Guitarists Wada-bldg. 5F, 6-14-4, Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 JAPAN
TEL. 81-3-3438-1819 FAX. 81-3-3438-1899 Application Form
Past 1st prize winners of this competition are not eligible.
The following items must be sent along with the application form: a recorded audio for 1st preliminary, a your photo, curriculum vitae. The payment of the application fee must be completed by the time of your application.
The finalists of the 65th competition are exempted from the 1st preliminary.
All the copyright of the performances during the competition belongs to Japan Federation of Guitarists.
The Japanese version will be the valid one in case of doubt in the interpretation of the rules.
Federation's History
About our Federation:
Gendai Nihon Guitar Renmei (Modern Japan Federation Of Guitarists) Was Established, A Year After The First Guitar Competition (The Present Tokyo International Guitar Competition) Was Held In 1949.
Japan Federation Of Guitarists Originated From Gendai Nihon Guitar Renmei Is The Only Official Corporation Authorized By The Ministry Of Education In Japan Since 1966, For The Aim Of Contribution To The Culture By The Study And Spread Of Guitar Music.
Federation Received A Report Of The Prime Minister Of Japan On November 18, 2010, And We Became The Group Of Cabinet Office,Government Of Japan On December 1, The Same Year.
The Federation Has Worked For Enrichment Of Japanese Guitar Music World And Improvement Of Guitarists Status In Society.
Also Being Active Steadily To Upgrade The Level Of Japanese Guitar Music And To Receive Domestic And Foreign Recognition.