2024年 第67回 東京国際ギターコンクール


■第1次予選 (8月19日、録音審査、非公開)/1st Preliminary Round (August 19)
課題曲/Compulsory pieces:
・Op.29-13セゴビア編によるソルの20の練習曲より19番(F.ソル)/Op.29-13 Segovia Edition No.19 / F.Sor
・プレリュードNo.2(F.タレガ)/ Prelude No.2 / F.Tarrega
自由曲/Free choice program: ありません。N/A

■第2次予選/2nd Preliminary Round (Semifinal)
課題曲/Compulsory piece:
・ファンダンギーリョ(J.トゥリーナ)/Fandanguillo / J.Turina
自由曲/Free choice program:
・Competitors can select piece(s) not to exceed 8 minutes. Pieces from the 1st preliminary and the final rounds may not be repeated.

■本 選/Final
課題曲/Compulsory piece:
・Division 18 for acoustic guitar  日本ギター連盟委嘱作品 (猿谷 紀郎)
・Division 18 for acoustic guitar  commissioned by the Japan Federation of Guitarists / Toshiro Saruya 
自由曲/Free choice program:
 Competitors must select at least one piece from each of the following categories. The free choice program must be between 20 and 30 minutes long. Pieces from the 1st and 2nd Preliminary Rounds may not be repeated.
 Works from the Renaissance to Baroque period
 Works in the period from ca. 1750 to ca. 1920
 Works after ca. 1920

  The above categories refer to the time of composition of the works, not the year of birth of the composer. Competitors can select pieces composed between the periods stated above and decide which category the work belongs to according to its musical style.

第2次予選・本選開催日程/Scheduled dates for the 2nd Preliminary (Semifinal) and Final Rounds
と き 2024年12月7日~8日 ところ Hakuju Hall
Date: December 7-8, 2024 Place: Hakuju Hall, Tokyo